
Two Year Old Provision

Our 2 year old provision is for families who are eligible to 15 hour free nursery entitlement.  The sessions we offer are:

Morning Session:  8.30am-11.30am
Afternoon Session: 12.30pm-3.30pm
More information can be found in our Nursery Information Booklet below.
The criteria for this entitlement is as follows: 
Free early years education for some two year olds

If you earn less than £16,190, or are on benefits, you may be able to get 15 hours free childcare for your two year old.

Free part-time early education is childcare for up to 15 hours a week over no less than 38 weeks (570 hours a year) and takes place in children’s centres, nurseries, playgroups and with childminders.


If you are on any of these benefits, your child should be able to get a place:

You can also get a place if:

  • they’re looked after by a local council;
  • they have a current statement of special education needs (SEN) or an education health and care plan;
  • they get Disability Living Allowance; or
  • they’ve left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or residence order.

You will need to provide evidence of all the above

If you get Working Tax Credit you must tell the Tax Credit helpline as soon as you start getting the 15 hours free childcare as this may affect the amount that you get (you will always be better off by claiming the 15 hours free childcare). Phone them on 0345 300 3900 Monday–Friday 8am - 8pm or Saturday 8am - 4pm.

How can I apply for a place?

Follow these 6 steps.

  1. Wait until your child is 2 years old
  2. You will need to complete this online form providing your name, your national insurance number, date of birth, e-mail address and other information.  Instructions on using the Citizen Portal can be found below.
  3. Once you have completed the online application you will get a reference number by email.
  4. You will get an e-mail confirming your eligibility for 15 hours FREE childcare and education.  If the result is that you are NOT eligible for the funding you will not be able to apply for a funded 2 year old place
  5. Visit the school office and ask for a 2 year old application form
  6. Give the reference number and a copy of the confirmation e-mail to the school office so we can attach it to the application form

Please note that without proof of eligibility we will be unable to offer a FREE 2 year old nursery place.