Comet Nursery School & Children's Centre

Welcome to Comet Nursery School & Children's Centre

Explore, Create andLearn Together  

I would like to welcome you to Comet Nursery School and Children's Centre.  Comet is a Hackney Education maintained nursery school located in Hoxton. We are committed to promoting equality and inclusion for all the children and our families come from a richly diverse local community. We offer places for part-time and 30 hour places for children aged 3-4 years old and places for 2 years olds who are eligible for free childcare. Our nursery offers places to children with additional needs and support is provided through our dedicated SENDCO and learning support team.

We have retained our Outstanding status from Ofsted in December 2018, we are very proud of our achievements and this grading supports our belief that we offer children an excellent start to their education:

"You and your leaders are truly committed to involving parents in all aspects of their child's have developed a clear approach to gathering information which holds the child at the centre of learning.  This style is now being mirrored by family members and is valued by the children."  Ofsted, 2018

The children use the garden throughout the sessions and are free to move independently between the indoor and outdoor areas. The outdoor area has opportunities for a wide range of activities and experiences which provide challenging opportunities for exploration and the development of physical skills. 

Our two Children's Centres are open to all families that live in Hackney and offer a wide range of services, learning opportunities and support. They are a great way of getting to know other families in he local area. 

We are staffed by professional and qualified early years teachers, nursery education officers and learning support assistants who provide an exciting and stimulating environment. Children both in the nursery school and children's centres are able to explore, experiment and experience a range of activities that encourages active learning and independence.

We aim to develop children's confidence and independence as a learner, communicator, collaborator and creative thinker.

We look forward to working with all the families in our local community. Please come and visit us soon.

Lisa Clarke