Comet Nursery School & Children's Centre

January 2021

Messy Monday: Make colourful foam with Maria
Wellbeing Wednesday: Smile like a crocodile with Maria
Creative Thursday: Using natural dyes with Morgan
Wellbeing Wednesday: Make a sensory wall with Maria
Wellbeing Wednesday:
Storytime: Fly Tiger Fly
Wellbeing Wednesday: How are you feeling today? Explore emotions with Maria
Creative Thursday: Make a sensory rug with Maria
Wellbeing Wednesday:
Storytime: Sad
Creative Thursday: Make a cooker with Maria
Messy Monday: Chinese New Year gloop with Maria
 Wellbeing Wednesday:
Storytime: Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas
Creative Thursday: Making Chinese lanterns with Morgan
Wellbeing Wednesday:
Storytime: Guess how much I love you
Messy Monday: Valentines sensory bin by Morgan